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EmpowerED is a consortium of 11 Partners with complementary expertise. The project is financed by the European Commission and coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN), with the aim to support closer collaboration in the digital education sector in Europe. The project will leverage the existing EdTech groups to establish and animate a new EdTech Community for exchange, dialogue and collaboration in Europe. 

To support its actions, the project will: 

One output of the EmpowerED project will be the establishment of a pan-European network and platform for exchange between European EdTech initiatives (start-ups, SMEs), EdTech support organisations (incubators, accelerators, testbeds, investors), practitioners (teachers and educationalists in K12 schools, H.E., VET), and policy makers (government ministries/agencies involved in educational innovation) as well as other key actors, such as universities, researchers, NGOs and associations.  

In particular, the network will better articulate the relationship between industry actions and the public sector that will support deployment of innovation in education. It will also engage with and serve ‘bootstraping’ EdTech EU start-ups, to match them with development and growth opportunities. 

Another key output of the project is the animation of specific communities and sub-communities that address key challenges and priority issues. To empower the EdTech stakeholders, the project will produce open-source guidelines and support tools for the EdTech ecosystem that address priority topics on emerging technologies and will offer training and capacity-building opportunities. 

 Visit EmpowerEds official website.

Do you want to know more about the project?
There a series of articles about Ifous and Swedish Edtest’s participation in EmpowerED. The first article, “Don’t forget the benefits of digitalisation,” can be found here. the second ”Focus on the educational benefits” here and the third, ”Just dare to give it a go” here



Johan Winsborn, project leader EmpowerEd.

Susan Henriksson, project leader Swedish Edtest

Anna Åkerfeldt, researcher connected to the project

EmpowerEds officiella hemsida. 

Läs mer om EmpowerEd på svenska. 
